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All authors
Abad, José
Acillona, Tomás de
Agrasot, Joaquín
Aguilar, Fidel
Aguirre, Juan Antonio
Aguirre, Marcial
Aguirreche, Miguel Ángel
Alcaín, Alfredo
Alcalá Galiano, Álvaro
Alcaraz, Julián
Alechinsky, Pierre
Alenza, Leonardo
Alfageme, Elvira
Alfar de Manises
Alfaro, Juan de
Alonso, Mikel
Álvarez Catalá, Luis
Amárica, Fernando de
Ameztoy, Vicente
Amigo, Martín
Anchieta, Juan de
Anglada Camarasa, Hermen
Anonymous Italic
Anonymous Japanese
Anonymous japanese. 18th century
Anonymous japanese. 19th century
Anonymous Navarrese
Anonymous Spanish
Anonymous, Aragonese
Anonymous, Burgos
Anonymous, Castilian
Anonymous, Catalan
Anonymous, Chinese
Anonymous, Classicist
Anonymous, Dutch
Anonymous, English
Anonymous, Etrsucan
Anonymous, Etruscan
Anonymous, Flemish
Anonymous, French
Anonymous, German
Anonymous, Greek
Anonymous, Hellenistic
Anonymous, Iberian
Anonymous, Italian
Anonymous, Italic
Anonymous, Italic. 3rd century AD
Anonymous, Italic. 3rd century BC
Anonymous, Japanese
Anonymous, japanese. 15th century
Anonymous, japanese. 17th century
Anonymous, japanese. 17th-18th century
Anonymous, japanese. 18th century
Anonymous, japanese. 18th-19th century
Anonymous, japanese. 19th century
Anonymous, japanese. 19th-20th century
Anonymous, japanese. End of 18th century
Anonymous, japanese. First half 19th century
Anonymous, japanese. Late 18th century
Anonymous, japanese. Late 19th century
Anonymous, japanese. Late 19th century-early 20th century
Anonymous, japanese. Late19th century
Anonymous, late Gothic
Anonymous, paleochristian. Second half of 4th century
Anonymous, Renaissance (?)
Anonymous, Roman
Anonymous, Roman 1st century AD
Anonymous, spanish
Anonymous, spanish. 13th century
Anonymous, spanish. 14th century
Anonymous, Spanish. 15th century
Anonymous, Spanish. Third quarter of 13th century
Antequera Azpiri, Pedro
Antolínez, José
Antral, Louis Robert
Anzinger, Siegfried
Appel, Karel
Aquerreta, Juan José
Aranoa, Juan de
Arellano, Juan de
Arias, Amable
Arnáiz, Doroteo
Arroyo, Eduardo
Arrue, Alberto Seix Barral Hermanos
Arrue, Alberto
Arrue, José
Arrue, Ramiro
Arrue, Ricardo Arrue, Ramiro
Arrue, Ricardo Arrue, Ramiro
Arrue, Ricardo
Arteta, Aurelio
Arteta, Félix
Asarta, Asunción
Asarta, Inocencio
ASC (Artistic Surveillance Committee
Asíns, Elena
Asís Alonso Areizaga, Francisco de Aguinaga, Eugenio Domínguez Salazar, José Antonio
Avrial y Flores, José María
Bacon, Francis
Badiola, Txomin
Bados, Ángel
Balaca, Ricardo
Balen, Hendrick van, the Elder
Balerdi, Rafael
Baquedano, Isabel
Barceló, José
Barceló, Miquel
Baró, Berthomeu
Baroja, Ricardo
Barroeta Anguisolea, Juan de
Barroeta Lecanda, Juan
Barroeta Lecanda, Juan de
Barros, Enrique
Barrueta, Benito
Bartolozzi, Francesco
Baselitz, Georg
Basterretxea, Nestor
Beham, Hans Sebald
Bellotto, Bernardo
Benlliure, Mariano
Benson, Ambrosius
Bermejo, Bartolomé
Berque, Jean
Bertodano, Luis Domingo, Roberto
Beruete, Aureliano de
Beuys, Joseph
Bibiena, Giuseppe
Bikandi, José Benito
Bilbao, Gonzalo
Bill, Max
Blake, Peter
Blanchard, María
Blanco, Dionisio
Bocanegra, Pedro Atanasio
Bonheur, Rosa
Bores, Francisco
Borrell, Félix
Bringas y Bringas, Francisco de Paula
Bringas, Francisco
Bringas, José
Bringas, Pancho
Broto, José Manuel
Brughel de Velours, Jan, "the Younger". Attributed to
Busato, Jorge
Cabanas Erauskin, Juan
Cabanas Oteiza, Ángel
Calvo, Carmen
Camarón, José
Campano, Miguel Ángel
Campigli, Massimo
Campuzano y Aguirre, Tomás
Canals, Ricard
Cárdenas, Marta
Carnicero, Antonio
Caro, Anthony
Carreño de Miranda, Juan
Cassatt, Mary
Castelló, Vicente
Caulery, Louis de. Attributed to
Cesetti, Giuseppe
Cézanne, Paul
Chéret, Jules
Chillida, Eduardo
Chillida, Gonzalo
Clará, José
Cleve, Joos van (Follower of)
Cleve, Joos van. A Copy of
Coecke, Pieter
Coello, Claudio
Cogniet, Léon
Colombo, Giacomo
Cortellini, Ángel María
Cortés y Aguilar, Andrés
Cósida, Jerónimo
Coter, Colyn de
Cottet, Charles
Coypel, Charles Antoine
Cranach, Lucas, the Elder
Crespi, Giovanni Battista, known as "Il Cerano". Attributed to
Cruz, Diego de la
Cutanda, Vicente
Daniels, Andries Francken, Frans, "the Younger"
David, Gerard. A follower of
Davies, John
Delaunay, Robert
Delorme, Pierre Claude François
Demarteau, Gilles
Dethomas, Maxime
Díaz Caneja, Juan Manuel
Díaz Olano, Ignacio
Dicksee, Thomas Francis
Díez Alaba, Mikel
Dine, Jim
Domingo Marqués, Francisco
Domingo, Roberto
Domínguez, Óscar
Dornicke, Jan van
Duchamp, Marcel
Dughet, Gaspard, known as "Gaspard Poussin" and "Le Guaspre"
Dumont, Jacques, known as "El Romano"
Durero, Alberto
Durrio, Francisco
Dyck, Anthony van
Echenagusía, José
Echevarría, Juan de
Egusquiza, Rogelio de
Eishi, Chobunsai
Eizan, Kikukawa
Elorriaga, Jabier
Elósegui, Rafael
Emaldi, Jose Luis
Ensor, James
Epalza Chanfreau, Enrique
Equipo 57
Equipo Crónica
Esquert, Pablo
Esquivel y Suárez de Urbina, Antonio María
Esquivel, Antonio María
Esquivel, Manuel
Essen, Jacob van
Eyck, Jan van. A Copy of
Falsario del Guercino
Fernández Cruzado, Joaquín Manuel
Fernández López, Luis
Fernández Noseret, Luis
Fernández, Luis
Ferrant y Fischermans, Alejandro
Ferrant, Ángel
Ferrer i Espel, Emilio
Forchondt, Guillielmo
Fortuny y Marsal, Mariano
Fortuny, Mariano
Francés, Juana
Francken, Frans "the Younger". Workshop of
Fritz, Antón
Fuente, Iñaki de la
Ga eta Goi
Gabino, Amadeo
Gai, Wang Shi, Wang Nie, Wang
Gakutei, Yashima
Gal, Menchu
Gamborino, Miguel
Gangutia, Clara
García Barrena, Carmelo
García Ergüín, Ignacio
García Maroto, Gabriel
Gargallo, Pablo
Garrido, Eduardo León
Gauguin, Paul
Gentileschi, Orazio
Gisbert, Antonio
Gleizes, Albert
Godchaux, Emile
Goenaga, Juan Luis
Goltzius, Hendrick
Gómez Acebo, Javier Viejo Santamarta, Máximo
González Ruiz, Antonio
González, Joan
González, Julio
Gordillo, Luis
Gortázar, Alfonso
Gossart, Jan, known as "Mabuse"
Goya, Francisco de
Goya, Francisco de. Style of
Goya,Francisco de
Grañén, Blasco de (Workshop of)
Grañén, Blasco de. Workshop of
Grebber, Pieter Fransz de
Greco, El
Greco, El. A Copy of
Guerrero, José
Guerrilla Girls
Guezala y Ayrivié, Antonio de Lit. J. Ortega, de Valencia
Guezala y Ayrivié, Antonio de
Guezala, Antonio de
Guiard Larrauri, Adolfo
Guiard, Adolfo
Guinea Zuazaga, Isidoro
Guinea, Anselmo
Guinea, Anselmo. Circle of
Gutiérrez Cabello, Francisco
Gutiérrez de la Vega, José
Gutiérrez Solana, José
Haes, Carlos de
Hamilton, Richard
Harunobu, Suzuki
Hayden, Henri
Hemessen, Jan Sanders van. A follower of
Herrera, Francisco de, the Elder
Herrero, Mari Puri
Hockney, David
Hoffmeyer de Zubeldia, Antonio
Hogarth, William
Hokkei, Totoya
Hokuei, Shunkosai
Hokusai, Katsushika
Huerta y Ayuso, Moisés de
Huerta, Moisés de
Ibarrola, Agustín
Iglesias, Cristina
Immendorff, Jörg
Inglada, Francesc
Inurria Lainosa, Mateo
Iñurria, Ricardo
Irazu, Pello
Iriarte , Ignacio de
Irureta, Pedro Alejandrino
Ittokusai, Ishii
Iturralde y Suit, Juan
Iturrino González, Francisco
Iturrino, Francisco
Janinet, Jean François
Jiménez Aranda, José
Jiménez, María Paz
Jokasai, Yamada
Jones, Allen
Jordaens, Jacob
Julio Antonio
Kajiemon. 19 th century
Kan-Ishi Nomura Kanemobu. 19th century
Kaneye. A follower of. 18th century
Kansai, Koma
Kinai. School of
Kirkeby, Per
Kitaj, Ronald Brooks
Kokoschka, Oskar
Konkan, Iwamoto. 19th century
Krausz, Wilhelm Viktor
Kunihiro. 17-18th century
Kunisada, Utagawa
Kyosay, Kawanabe
La Roldana
La Rue, Philibert Benoît de
Lagar, Celso
Lagneau, Nicolas
Lahuerta, Genaro
Landa, Juan José
Landi Sorondo, Carlos
Laplaza y Muncig, Roberto
Laplaza, Roberto
Larrea, Vicente
Larroque, Ángel
Lasa, Jose Ángel
Lasheras Madinabeitia, Luis
Lazkano, Jesús Mari
Le Sidaner, Henri
Lecuona, Antonio María
Léger, Fernand
Lekuona, Nicolás de
León Astruc, Manuel
Leoni, Ottavio
Leroux, Gaston
Leyden, Lucas Van
Lhardy y Garrigues, Agustín
Lint, Pietro van
Lipchitz, Jacques
Lobo Casuero, Baltasar
Loo, Louis-Michel van
López de Uralde, Obdulio
López Portaña, Vicente
López, Antonio
López, Vicente
Losada y Pérez de Nenín, Manuel
Losada, Manuel
Lucarini, Joaquín
Lucas Velázquez, Eugenio
Luna y Novicio, Juan
Lüpertz, Markus
Macho, Victorio
Madrazo, Federico de
Madrazo, José de
Madrazo, Raimundo de
Madrazo, Ricardo de
Madrid, Milko
Maestro de Cervera de la Cañada
Maeztu, Gustavo de
Maeztu,Gustavo de
Maidagan, Fernando
Mallo, Cristino
Mandijn, Jan
Manises manufactory
Manterola, Felipe
Marcoussis, Louis
Martín, Abel Sempere, Eusebio
Martínez Abades, Juan
Martínez Ortiz de Zárate, Nicolás Lit. J. Ortega, de Valencia
Martínez Ortiz de Zárate, Nicolás Lit. Jesús Álvarez. - Bilbao
Martínez Ortiz de Zárate, Nicolás
Masachika. 19th century
Masahisa. 18th century
Masanobu, Okumura
Masayoshi, Kitao
Master of Cervera de la Cañada
Master of Estamariu
Master of Horcajo
Master of Ororbia
Master of Retascón
Master of Saint Nicholas
Master of the Antwerp Adoration. and workshop
Master of The Lunas
Master of The Parrot
Master of the Pietà (Esteve Rovira?)
Mbomio Nsue, Leandro
Meckenem, Israel van
Meléndez, Luis
Meléndez, Luis. Attributed to
Memling, Hans. Copy of
Mena, Juan Pascual de
Méndez Bringa, Narciso
Mendiburu, Remigio
Mendizabal, Elena
Mengs, Anton Raphael
Mériot, Camille
Merlino, Silvio
Merz, Mario
Metzinger, Jean
Michaux, Henri
Michelet, Georges C.
Mieg, Juan
Mignon, Abraham
Millares, Manuel
Mir, Joaquim
Mogrobejo Abásolo, Nemesio
Mogrobejo, Nemesio
Mola, Pier Francesco. Attributed to
Mongrell, José
Montes Iturrioz, Gaspar
Monticelli, Adolphe
Mor, Anthonis
Morales, Luis de "the Divine"
Moraza, Juan Luis
Moreno Villa, José
Morera, Jaume
Morquillas, José Ramón
Morrás, Xabier
Motozane, Oyama
Muñoz, Lucio
Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban
Myrbach-Rheinfeld, Felician von, Baron
Nagel, Andrés
Natoire, Charles Joseph
Natsuo, Kanô. 19th century
Nicolau, Pere
Nieto Ulibarri, Enrique
Nogués i Casas, Xavier
Noletti, Francesco, "Il Maltese"
Nonell, Isidre
Núñez de Arce, Gaspar
Nuñez Ladeveze, Hortensia
Oberhuber, Oswald
Ocariz, Miriam
Ogata Kenzan
Olasagasti, Jesús
Oliver, Juan
Opisso Sala, Ricard
Orcajo, Ángel
Orrente, Pedro
Ortega Muñoz, Godofredo
Ortiz de Elgea, Carmelo
Ortiz de Urbina, Lucio
Ortiz Echagüe, Antonio
Oteiza, Jorge
Ottler, Otto
Oudot, Roland
Paik, Nam June
Paladino, Mimmo
Palazuelo, Pablo
Palencia, Benjamín
Palencia, Gaspar de
Palmaroli, Vicente
Palomino, Juan Bernabé
Pantoja de la Cruz, Juan
Paret, Luis
Peña Muñoz, Maximino
Pencz, Georg
Pérez Orúe, Ernesto
Pérez Villaamil, Jenaro
Pérez Villalta, Guillermo
Picasso, Pablo
Pié, Joan
Pinazo, Ignacio
Piola, Domenico
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Plá y Gallardo, Cecilio
Plá, Cecilio
Planes, José
Portefín, Robert
Portillo, Alonso del
Pourbus, Frans "the Younger"
Pradilla Ortiz, Francisco
Prego, Sergio
Quadra, Nicolás Antonio de la
Ramos Uranga, Gabriel
Regoyos y Valdés, Darío de
Regoyos, Darío de
Rehberg, Friedrich
Rembrandt, Harmenszoon van Rijn
Rementería Abistegi, Alberto
Reni, Guido. Copy of
Reus, J.
Reymerswaele, Marinus van. Follower of
Ribalta, Juan
Ribera, Carlos
Ribera, Jusepe de
Ribot, Théodule-Augustin
Rico y Ortega, Martín
Rico, Martín
Rivera, Manuel
Rizi, Francisco
Rochelt, Juan
Roelas, Juan de
Romero de Torres, Julio
Romero, Juan Bautista
Roscubas, Fernando Roscubas, Vicente
Roscubas, Vicente
Rouault, Georges
Rueda, Esteban de
Ruisdael, Jacob Isaacksz van
Ruiz Ferrándis, Francisco
Ruiz Pulido, Cristóbal
Rusiñol I Prats, Santiago
Ryckaert III, David
Ryukei. 19th century
Sáenz de Tejada, Carlos
Sáenz Venturini, Federico
Saint-Aubin y Bonnefon, Alejandro
Sáinz Sáiz, Casimiro
Salaverría, Elías
Salcedo, Juan Alonso de
Salís, José
Salvador Carmona, Manuel
Sánchez Coello, Alonso
Sánchez, Alberto
Sandrart, Jacob von
Sans y Cabot, Francisco
Sarnelli, Antonio
Sas, Marçal de Peris, Gonçal
Saura, Antonio
Schmalix, Hubert
Schommer, Alberto
Schulze, Andreas
Sempere, Eusebio
Serra, Pedro
Serra, Richard
Serrano Aguilar, Pablo
Sérusier, Paul
Shigemasa, Kitao
Shigenaga, Nishimura
Shigenobu. 18th century
Shun'ei, Katsukawa
Shunsho, Katsukawa
Sigiura Jôi. 18th-19th century
Sistiaga, José Antonio
Solana, Nicolás
Sorolla y Bastida, Joaquín
Sorolla, Joaquín
Sôshô. 19th century
Sôten, Nyûdo. 19th century
Souto Feijoo, Arturo
Spranger, Bartholomeus
Stevens, Alfred
Suárez Llanos, Ignacio
Sugakudo, Nakayama
Sunyer Miró, Joaquim
Sunyer, Joaquim
Susillo, Antonio
Talayero, Susana
Tamayo, Daniel
Tàpies, Antoni
Tatafiore, Ernesto
Tejada, Aníbal
Tellaeche, Julián de
Tharrats, Joan Josep
Togores, Josep de
Toja, Ricardo
Tokujo, Shokasai
Tons, François. Workshop of
Torre, Quintín de
Torres García, Joaquín
Tosi, Arturo
Toyokuni, Utagawa
Ucelay, José María de
Unceta y López, Marcelino de
Unceta, Marcelino de
Uranga, Pablo
Urrutia, Jenaro
Urzay, Darío
Utagawa, Hiroshige
Utamaro, Kitagawa
Vahía, Alejo de
Valdés Leal, Juan de
Valdés, Manolo
Valle, Adriano del
Vasarely, Víctor
Vázquez Díaz, Daniel
Velázquez, Diego. Circle of
Velde, Bram van
Verdugo Landi, Ricardo
Vergós, Rafael
Vicente, Esteban
Vieira da Silva, Maria Helena
Vignon, Claude
Vinckboons, David
Viñés, Hernando
Viola, José Manuel
Voiriot, Guillaume
Volpato, Giovanni
Vos, Martin de
Vredeman de Vries, Hans
Wael, Cornelis de. Attributed to
Weckmann, Niklaus. Circle of
Werff, Pieter van der
Weyden, Roger van der. A Copy of
Wierix, Hieronymus
Wille, Johan George
Ximénez, Miguel (Workshop of)
Yanagawa Mitsumasa. School of
Yanagawa Naoharu
Zamacois, Eduardo
Zarraoa, Eustasio
Zeshin, Shibata
Zubiaurre, Ramón de
Zubiaurre, Valentín de
Zugasti, José
Zuloaga, Ignacio
Zumeta, José Luis
Zurbarán, Francisco de
Zurbarán, Francisco de (Workshop of)
Zuriarrain, Ramón
All periods
First decade of the 20th century
Last quarter of the 16th century
Last quarter of the 20th century
13th century
13th century. Third quarter
14th century
14th century. Last quarter
14th century. Second half
15th century
15th century. First decade
15th century. First third
15th century. Last quarter
15th century. Middle
15th century. Second half
15th-16th centuries (?)
16th century
16th century. Beginning
16th century. First third
16th century. Last quarter
16th century. Middle
16th century. Second quarter
16th century. Third quarter
16th-17th centuries
16th-17th century
17st century. First quarter
17th century
17th century. Beginning
17th century. First half
17th century. First quarter
17th century. First third
17th century. Last third
17th century. Middle
17th century. Second quarter
17th century. Second third
17th-18th century
18th century
18th century (?)
18th century.
18th century. Beginning
18th century. End
18th century. First decade
18th century. First half
18th century. First quarter
18th century. Last decade
18th century. Last quarter
18th century. Last third
18th century. Last third-19th century. Beginning
18th century. Second half
18th century. Third quarter
18th-19th centuries
18th-19th century
19st century. First quarter
19th century
19th century (?)
19th century. Beginning
19th century. First half
19th century. First quarter
19th century. First third
19th century. Last decade
19th century. Last quarter
19th century. Last third
19th century. Middle
19th century. Second half
19th century. Second quarter
19th century. Second third
19th century. Third quarter
19th-20th centuries
19th-20th century
1st century
1st century AD
1st century BC
1st-2nd centuries AD
1st-3rd centuries AD
20st century. First quarter
20th century
20th century. Beginning
20th century. First decade
20th century. First half
20th century. First quarter
20th century. First third
20th century. Last quarter
20th century. Last third
20th century. Middle
20th century. Second half
20th century. Second quarter
20th century. Third quarter
21st century. First decade
21th century. Beginning
2nd century AD
2nd century BC
2nd-1st centuries BC
2nd-3rd centuries AD
3rd century AD
3rd century BC
3rd-2nd centur BC
3rd-2nd centuries BC
3rd-2nd century BC
3rd-2sd centuries BC
3rd-4th centuries AD
4th century BC
4th century. Second half
4th-3rd centuries BC
5th century BC
6th century BC
6th-5th centuries BC
9th century
Early 14th century
Early 15th century
Early 18th century
Early 19th century
Early 20th century
Early 21st century
First decade of the 16th century
First decade of the 17th century
First decade of the 20th century
First decade of the 21st century
First half of 20th century
First half of the 13th century
First half of the 15th century
First half of the 16th century
First half of the 17th century
First half of the 18th century
First half of the 19th century
First half of the 20th century
First half of the 21st century
First half of the 2nd century AD
First quarter of the 14th century
First quarter of the 16th century
First quarter of the 17th century
First quarter of the 18th century
First quarter of the 19th century
First quarter of the 20th century
First quarter of the 21st century
First third of the 16th century
First third of the 17th century
First third of the 20th century
Last decade of the 19th century
Last decade of the 20th century
Last quarter of the 14th century
Last quarter of the 15th century
Last quarter of the 15th century-Early 16th century
Last quarter of the 16th century
Last quarter of the 17th century
Last quarter of the 18th century
Last quarter of the 19th century
Last quarter of the 19th century-third quarter of the 20th century
Last quarter of the 20th century
Last third of the 13th century
Last third of the 15th century
Last third of the 16th century
Last third of the 19th century
Last third of the 20th century
Late 14th century
Late 14th century-early 15th century
Late 14th century-first quarter of the 15th century
Late 15th century
Late 15th century-early 16th century
Late 16th century
Late 16th century-early 17th century
Late 16th century-First quarter of the 17th century
Late 17th century
Late 18th century
Late 18th century-early 19th century
Late 19th century
Late 19th century-early 20th century
Late 20th century
Late 20th century-early 21th century
Late of 20th century
Late of the 20th century
Mid-16th century
Mid-17th century
Mid-19th century
Mid-20th century
Second half of the 15th century
Second half of the 16th century
Second half of the 17th century
Second half of the 18th century
Second half of the 19th century
Second half of the 19th century-First quarter of the 20th century
Second half of the 20th century
Second quarter of 20th century
Second quarter of the 14th century
Second quarter of the 15th century
Second quarter of the 16th century
Second quarter of the 17th century
Second quarter of the 18th century
Second quarter of the 19th century
Second quarter of the 20th century
Second quater of the 20th century
Second third of the 16th century
Second third of the 17th century
Second third of the 20th century
Seconf quarter of the 18th century
Third decade of the 19th century
Third quarter of the 15th century
Third quarter of the 15th century-first decade of the 16th century
Third quarter of the 16th century
Third quarter of the 17th century
Third quarter of the 18th century
Third quarter of the 19th century
Third quarter of the 20th century
Thrid quarter of the 20th century
XX. mendea Bigarren laurdena
All objects
Artist's book
Earthenware bowl
Illustrated letter
Jar used in Chemist's
Kiseru zutsu
Painting. Triptych
Printing plate
Gran oval (Large Oval)
Tàpies, Antoni