Present day
The museum’s library joins BookCrossing
To mark World Book Day on April 23, 61 art centres and museums are to take part in a BookCrossing experience this Friday in which 3,000-plus books will be set free.
For the fifth consecutive year, the initiative is designed to put more than 3,000 books into public circulation, so that the people who find the copies can read and enjoy them before setting the books free again somewhere else in the world. All books freed in this way are labelled, and contain the instructions finders and readers need to take part in the campaign and appear on the website, where participants can announce where they will set free the copies they have found and read. The idea is join forces with museum libraries in their bid to stimulate reading and the spread of knowledge.
Since its international beginnings back in 2001, BookCrossing has been defined as a global book club, with just three rules: read, record and set free. The books are set free in public places and at anyone interested can see where each book has been. In previous experiences, freed books have been located in places as far apart as Paris, New York, Rome and El Cairo. BookCrossing means people can share books for free, track them and discover who else has read them and where. Anyone can take part by picking up books or putting their own books into circulation.
All freed books are labelled with the worldwide BookCrossing symbol and carry a brief text identifying them, plus instructions on how to take part through A sticker is also included for each reader to write his name and the place where he found the book.
On April 23 booklovers everywhere can become part of this increasingly popular worldwide book reading and sharing chain.
The Library of the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum is a pioneering research centre on art in the Basque Country. It offers academics and researchers one of the finest specialised library holdings on art, comprising around 34,700 monographs, 300 publication titles and 35,000 catalogues and leaflets.