Present day

The Museum of Fine Arts of Bilbao awarded with the Prize of Excellence 2018
On Tuesday 17 April, Begoña Marañón, director of Radio Bilbao and of Cadena Ser in the Basque Country, awarded Juan Mari Aburto, mayor of Bilbao and president of the Board of Trustees of the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum Foundation, and Miguel Zugaza, director of the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum, with the Radio Bilbao Prize for Excellence 2018 in the Art and Culture category.
For this second edition, held at the Azkuna Zentroa, Radio Bilbao awarded prizes for excellence to eleven individuals, institutions and organisations in the following categories:
• Prize for Excellence in Basque Language: Euskaltzaindia
• Prize for Excellence in Research: Ana Zubiaga
• Prize for Excellence in Company: Vicinay Cadenas S.A
• Prize for Excellence in Sport: José Ángel Iribar “el Txopo”
• Prize for Excellence in Art and culture: the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
• Prize for Excellence in Music: “El Consorcio”
• Prize for Excellence in Social change: “Manifiesto 8-M”
• Prize for Excellence in Communication: cartoonist Antonio Fraguas, “Forges”, awarded posthumously.
• Labora Kutxa Prize: Fair Saturday
• SER honorary runner Prize: Martín Fiz
• SER Communication runner Prize: Raúl Gómez “Marathon Man”