Present day
New version of the library catalogue
Now with a management system within a complete web context
The Museum's library has implemented a new management system that now offers unlimited data consultation and updating in real time for users. It also includes new functions from the OPAC:
• Direct user registration and the option to send any suggestion or comment.
• Search option in the complete catalogue and the sub-catalogues of specific types of documents (press archive, leaflets and digital resources).
• Option to consult the latest acquisitions and to restrict the search by period (weekly, fortnightly or monthly).
• New section entitled Recommended Bibliographies.
• The addition of new content such as photographs of front covers.
• Links to pages and resources of interest to users, plus automatic creation of links to Rebiun (group catalogue of Spanish universities) and Google.
• The catalogue can now be consulted from any mobile device (MOPAC).