Present day
Multi-tactile screen in the El Greco exhibition
Art and the new technologies
The new technologies offer innovative ways of approaching works of art. In 2011 the Museum demonstrated this potential during the exhibition Goya. Prints of Invention when it developed a specific app for a multi-tactile screen in which high resolution, enlarged images of the prints on display allowed visitors to appreciate details that highlighted Goya’s greatness as a printmaker. The present exhibition on the Museum’s two paintings by El Greco now offers an ideal opportunity to learn more about the artist’s technique through macro-photographs of details from x-radiographs and infra-red reflectographs of the works and from stratigraphic micro-samples of the pigments used.
From inside the painting and through a remarkable, participative experience, visitors will be able to obtain a better understanding of El Greco’s almost Impressionist technique, his compositional audacity and the iconographical complexity of his work.