Subscription as friend of the museum - Bilbao Fine Arts Museum

    Please complete the following form:

    All fields MUST be completed

    I would like to join the Friends of the Museum Programme in the category:

    In what language would you prefer to receive notifications?

    Under 25s: Spanish identity card

    65s and over, pensioners, retired people and persons with disabilities: Spanish identity card and documents proving you are retired, on a pension or with disabilities

    Exclusive category for individuals associated with organisations that belong to the museum's Corporate Member Programme who are making use of this promotion

    Personal ID


    Friend member details

    Information regarding second holder

    To be completed ONLY in the case of subscribing as Couple

    Bank details

    Once the enrolment procedure has been completed, the system will ask you for details of your card for fee payment. Here we ask for your bank details so we can make it easier for you by setting up direct debit payments for the annual fees for the following years.


    Any additional donation will be used as a contribution to the purchase of the painting View of Bermeo (1783) by Luis Paret y Alcázar. With thanks for your generosity.

    I discovered the Friends of the Museum Programme thanks to: