Exhibition: Ordóñez-Falcón Collection - Bilbao Fine Arts Museum


2008-07-07 • 2008-09-14

Ordóñez-Falcón Collection

Pioneers of Photography (1845-1930)

1 to 6 Romms

One of the most important collections of photography in the world in private hands, the Ordóñez-Falcón collection comprises more than 1,500 works from different times, with a broad range of tendencies and techniques, by the leading authors in the history of photography.

The Museum deposit is a set of 61 photographs dating from 1845 to 1930, with works by masters and pioneers of 19th century photography. Included are examples of the work of Talbot, Baldus, Belloc, Bisson Frères, Cameron, Clifford, Cuvelier, Du Camp, Emerson, Evans, Fenton, Varin Fréres, Frith, Henry, Hill&Adamson, Le Gray, Marconi, Marville, Muybridge, Nadar, Negré, Pierson and Robert.


In the image:
Anonymous (19th century)
Sans titre, 1880-1890
Tintype / Paper. 8 x 5 cm

