Exhibition: Basque Artists - Bilbao Fine Arts Museum


2008-02-11 • 2008-05-25

Basque Artists

Bilbao Fine Arts Museum Collection

BBK Room

Holder of the finest collection of works by Basque artists, the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum has organized this exhibition to highlight this now traditional feature of its collection and the Basque artists who actively supported the Museum’s creation and development: Manuel Losada, for example, was the first director of the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum, from 1908 to 1948, and Aurelio Arteta, the first director of the Museum of Modern Art from 1924.

Today’s Museum was created from the merger of the two. But many other painters and sculptors have cooperated at different times in directing the Museum or through donations of works.

Coinciding with the publication of an original Guide to Basque Artists in the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum, the exhibition, in the Museum’s centenary year, is both a tribute to the institution and witness to how many leading local artists hailed the Museum’s arrival and subsequent work.

In the image:
Aurelio arteta (Bilbao, 1879-Mexico D.F., 1940)
Basque Countrywomen with Fruit and Vegetables, c. 1913-1915
Oil on canvas stuck to board, 127 x 238 cm
