Present day

Exhibition schedule 2018
110 Years 110 Works
9 may 2018 – 17 september 2018
Sponsor: BBK
To mark the museum's 110th anniversary, the exhibition 110 Years 110 Works will include 110 of the museum's most important works with the aim of demonstrating the high quality of the permanent collection and of offering a survey of the museum's history from its origins to the present day. The exhibition's impressive installation and museographic content will allow for an analysis of the museum's long-standing relationship with both the history of art and with its immediate artistic and social context.
ABC Museoaren alfabetoa
6 october 2018 – 3 june 2019
Sponsor: BBK
Once the remodelling work has finished the old building will reopen with the exhibition ABC Museoaren alfabetoa (ABC The Museum's Alphabet), which is benefitting from the collaboration of the writer Kirmen Uribe. A traditional layout based on chronology and artistic schools will be replaced here by an alphabetical one, and each of the thirty rooms in the old building will display works associated with one particular word. From A to Z, each room will correspond to a word in different languages associated with the museum: Basque, Spanish, French and English.
After 68
Art and artistic practices in the Basque Country, 1968-2018
7 november 2018 – 28 april 2019
This extensive and unprecedent survey of art in the Basque Country will be shown in the museum's modern building. The exhibition's starting point is the Bilbao Fine Art Museum's permanent collection and those of other public institutions that have placed particular emphasis on acquiring contemporary Basque art. Through a chronological arrangement in which the artists and their works are presented alongside archive and documentary material (magazines, books, written texts and audiovisual material) this exhibition will reassess the evolution of the art scene in the Basque Contry between 1968 and 2018. A generous selection of more than 200 works (painting, sculpture, photography, video art, works on paper) by several generations of artists will reveal the different ways in which Basque art moved forward at the turn of the last century while also assessing the importance that individual careers and group activities in the region have had on both Spanish and international art. The exhibition will occupy all the exhibition space of the museum's modern building, inaugurated in 1970 and in itself a fundamental part of the institutional account of art of this period. Curated by the in-house team of Miriam Alzuri, Begoña González and Miguel Zugaza, the exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue with texts by specialists who contribute new research and information on the artistic manifestations that arose in the Basque Country from 1968 to the present.