Digital publications
Since the time it was founded, the Museum’s missions have included research into the subject of art history, with a particular focus on the study of its own collection. The result of this activity is an extensive series of publications on paper, including exhibition catalogues, collection guides and periodical publications of a scholarly nature. Thus, here we have compiled not only the particularly noteworthy texts published on paper, but also publications issued solely in digital format, most of which can be downloaded in Spanish, Basque and English.
This section has two aims. Firstly, that of being a platform for the dissemination of knowledge generated by the Museum’s publishing activities; and secondly, that of encouraging the creation of a body of scholarly texts on art in the Basque language, making a significant volume of information in this language available to the academic community and the interested public at large while simultaneously furthering lexicographic endeavour in this field.
All the texts are published under an international Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Creative Commons licence (BY-NC-ND), version 4.0. They can therefore be circulated, copied and reproduced (with no alteration to the contents), but for educational and research purposes only and always citing its author and provenance. They may not be used commercially. The terms and conditions of this type of licence are available for consultation here

Two panels by the Master of Cervera de la Cañada in the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum

Velázquez and the last portrait of Philip IV (on the painting in the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum)

On “The Collecting Table” : Sorolla and the old College of Saint Paul

The glow of an epilogue : two works from Alberto’s late period

A “Triptych of the Flagellation with Saint Benedict and Saint Bernard “from the workshop of Jan van Dornicke in the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum

“The Rape of Europa” by Martin de Vos in the collection of the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum

The poster: from practical function to work of art

Tucker. Mass and Figure

Antonio María Lecuona (1831-1907). Pioneer of Basque genre painting

Equipo Crónica

A gem with Christian motifs at the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum

The “Quattrocento” Calvary from Catalonia at the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum : an outline of the artistic context