Present day
Digital publication
Newsletter 12. Luis Paret in Bilbao
In Collaboration with Museum of Sacred Art Bilbao
The Newsletter is the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum’s scholarly publication whose goals are to further study its collection or important episodes in art history and to contribute to the dissemination of this information, especially among the scholarly community. Furthermore, this publication adds an indicator of prestige to the museum’s activities because of its scholarly nature, the prominence of its contributors and the painstaking editing of its content.
The museum is now unveiling Newsletter 12. Luis Paret in Bilbao, which is the second newsletter exclusively in digital format. It is published in Spanish and Basque in two separate editions and may be accessed and downloaded free of charge on the museum’s website. This new volume contains 10 lectures that were delivered in the museum’s auditorium on 14, 15 and 16 July as part of the Art Workshops organised alongside the exhibition Luis Paret en Bilbao. Sacred and Profane Art held at the museum and the Sacred Art Museum of Bilbao from 9 May to 17 October 2021. During this workshop, experts in a variety of disciplines—applied arts, architecture, sociology, etc.—sketched a broad picture of Paret’s contribution to constructing Enlightenment Bilbao. In this way, this Newsletter further explores the painter’s biography, works and technique, as well as the artistic milieu which he found during his sojourn in Bilbao.
Las aportaciones de María Jesús Cava Mesa, Raquel Cilla López, Javier González de Durana, Amelia Leira Sánchez, Alejandro Martínez, Manuela B. Mena Marqués, José Luis Merino Gorospe, Javier Novo González, Aingeru Zabala Uriarte y Julen Zorrozua Santisteban quedan reunidas en esta publicación que se suma a los estudios de referencia sobre el pintor Luis Paret.