Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan 2019/2022
The Bilbao Fine Arts Museum is updating its strategic vision to make a push for the institution’s organisational modernity and physical enlargement. To achieve this, it is launching a Strategic Plan which was developed over the last nine months that analyses its main management lines integrated into the milieu in which it operates.
The main objective of this plan is to guide and plan the institution’s programmes and actions in the middle and long term and to launch the museum’s enlargement. This latter action, unquestionably the most ambitious one in the plan, calls for an 8,000 m2 enlargement of the museum’s operating space through the acquisition of an auxiliary building, along with the enlargement of its headquarters through an international architecture competition. The budget earmarked for both actions is €22,110,000 and the timeframe for executing them is 45 months.
The 2019–2022 Strategic Plan is grounded upon two main ideas. First, it identifies two strategic lines which specify the interest groups that primarily guide the development of the museum’s activity and the main areas in which action plans are to be developed. Secondly, it determines two strategic moves that significantly affect first the museum’s international organisation and secondly the enlargement of its facilities.