The Construction - Bilbao Fine Arts Museum

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The Construction

Arteta, Aurelio

Bilbao, 02/12/1879-Mexico City, 10/11/1940

Gouache on canvas stuck to cardboard

34.3 x 20.7 cm

A. Arteta (bottom left hand corner)

c. 1922-1925

First third of the 20th century


Donated by José Milicua in 1998

Selected bibliography

  • La acuarela española del siglo XX [Cat. exp.]. Bilbao, Agrupación de Acuarelistas Vascos, 2000. p. 6
  • González de Durana, Javier. Aurelio Arteta. Madrid, Fundacion Mapfre, 2008. pp. 58, 62-63.
  • Caos y clasicismo : arte en Francia, Italia, Alemania y España, 1918-1936 [Cat. exp.]. Bilbao, FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa, 2011. pp. 44-45, 54, sin nº cat.