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Saint Ermengol exorcising a possessed Man
Anonymous, Catalan
First quarter of the 14th century
Mural painting transferred to a mobile support
142 x 102 cm
First quarter of the 14th century
Acquired in 1963
The pictorial fragment known as Saint Ermengol exorcising a Possessed Man in the collection of the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum comes from the cathedral of La Seu d'Urgell (Lleida), from where it was detached from the walls and transferred to a free-standing support. A modern inscription located in an area of paint loss in the lower part of the composition reads: "Fragment of the mural decoration of the chapel of Saint Ermengol from the cathedral of La Seu d'Urgell with scenes of the healing of a possessed man and other miracles of the titular saint. Catalan work of around 1300", thus indicating the work's place of origin in the chapel dedicated to Saint Ermengol.
The mural depicts a bearded bishop saint with a halo, wearing a chasuble, tunic and mitre. With his right hand he blesses a praying male figure depicted on a smaller scale. The bishop has his left hand on the head of the man, who expels a small winged demon from his mouth, following a generic formula used for scenes of miracles. The modern inscription identifies the saint as Ermengol, a bishop of La Seu d'Urgell in the 11th century. Still visible on either side of the exorcism are part of the compartments that originally flanked it, separated by vertical bands. On the right is what appears to be half of a bishop (with a halo, mitre and chasuble) in a poor state of conservation. All that survives from the lost compartment on the left are a few decorative motifs which may imitate a textile and possibly depict an altar frontal or altar cloth or, as been suggested, a bishop's throne. Also visible are traces of the inscriptions (now difficult to read) that framed the painted compartments at the top and bottom and which must have clarified the iconographic reading of the mural as a whole. (Marta Bertran Armadans)
Selected bibliography
- Lasterra, Crisanto de. Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao : catálogo descriptivo : sección de arte antiguo. Bilbao, Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, 1969. p. 123, n° cat. 254. (Con el título San Ermengol exorcizando a un endemoniado, y atribuido a ANÓNIMO ESPAÑOL DEL SIGLO XIII).
- Gudiol Ricart, José ; Alcolea i Blanch, Santiago. Pintura Gótica Catalana. Barcelona, Polígrafa, 1986. p. 25, fig. 96.
- Galilea Antón, Ana María. Catalogación y estudio de los fondos de Pintura Española del Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao del siglo XIII al XVIII (de 1270 a 1700) [tesis inédita]. 1993. pp. 81-87. (Con el título San Ermengol exorcizando a un endemoniado, y atribuido a Anónimo catalán c. 1300-1325)
- Galilea Antón, Ana María. Catalogación y estudio de los fondos de Pintura Española del Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao del siglo XIII al XVIII (de 1270 a 1700) [tesis inédita]. 1993. pp. 16, 17, figs. 11, 11a. (Con el título 'San Ermengol exorcizando a un endemoniado', y como Anónimo Catalán de c. 1300-1325)
- Galilea Antón, Ana María. "La colección de Pintura Española anterior a 1700 en el Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao", Urtekaria 1994 : asterlanak, albistak = Anuario 1994 : estudios, crónicas. 1995. pp. 21, 27, 42. (Con el título San Ermengol exorcizando a un endemoniado, y atribuido a ANÓNIMO CATALÁN DE HACIA 1300-1325)..
- Galilea Antón, Ana María. La pintura gótica española en el Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao : catálogo. Bilbao, Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, 1995. pp. 36-40. (Con el título ”San Ermengol exorcizando a un endemoniado”, y como Anónimo catalán del primer cuarto del siglo XIV)
- Pladevall i Font, Antoni [dir.]. Calunya romànica. Barcelona, Enciclopèdia Catalana, 1984-1998. p. 398.
- Sant Ermengol : Bisbe d'Urgell, 1010-1035 : història, art, culte i devocions. La Seu d'Urgell, Bisbat d'Urgell, 2010. p. 290.
- Cano i Ció, Meritxell. Josep Bardolet : un intermediari del mercat de l'art a Catalunya : trabajo de Investigación del Master en Análisis y Gestión del Patrimonio Artístico de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. [Inédito], 2013. pp. 49, 59.
- Bertran Armadans, Marta ; Orriols Alsina, Anna. "Contextos para un fragmento : a propósio de unas pinturas del siglo XIII procedentes de la Seu d'Urgell en el Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao = Contexts for a fragment : On some thirteenth-century mural paintings from the cathedral of La Seu d'Urgell in the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum = Artelan zati baterako testuinguruak : Bilboko Arte Ederren Museoan gordetzen diren Seu d'Urgelleko katedraleko XIII. mendeko margolan batzuei buruz", Buletina = Boletín = Bulletin, n° 10. 2016. pp. 35-65, 223-236.
- Aliaga, Sara ... [et al.]. Història de la Cerdanya. Girona, Diputació de Girona, 2021. p. 375, il.