The online collection and picture sale
Larrea, Vicente
Bilbao, 01/04/1934
85 x 88 x 42 cm
Last quarter of the 20th century
Donated by the artist in 2003
Dodekathlos, a torso in homage to the workers of the old Euskalduna shipyards in Bilbao in an allusion to the twelve labours of Hercules. The work belongs to a series of sculptures, which, since 1987, have revived anthropomorphic figurative motifs, produced alongside the abstract sculptures. It is also an example of bronzes used for larger public sculptures in iron: the version in iron can now be seen outside the Euskalduna Conference and Performing Arts Centre in Bilbao. [Javier Viar]
Selected bibliography
- Guía Artistas Vascos. Bilbao, Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, 2008. pp. 147-148.
- Gida Euskal Artistak. Bilbao, Bilboko Arte Eder Museoa, 2008. pp. 147-148.
- Guide Basque Artists. Bilbao, Bilbao Fine Arts Museum, 2012. pp. 147-148, n° cat. 82c.
- Viar, Javier. Hijos de la angustia. Bilbao, Muelle de Uribitarte, 2019. pp. 71, 73.