Ellas IV: Maider Aldasoro with Sofonisba Anguissola - Bilbao Fine Arts Museum


Ellas IV: Maider Aldasoro with Sofonisba Anguissola

The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine, 1588

Aldasoro focuses on Anguissola’s fabrics and theatricality, and on how she arranges the figures in a scene, just as she does in one of her videos showing insect choreographies.


Castellano / Euskara / English


Digital project. Museum's webpage and Youtube channel

For whom:


  • Film and video
  • Digital & Multimedia


Discover it here

Coordination and direction of the project: M. Victoria Antoñanzas and César Ochoa. Department of Education and Cultural Action. Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
Artistic direction and editing: Tamara García Iglesias
Technical and colour editing: Maialen Sarasua Oliden and Olaia Nogales
Camera: Alain García
Live sound: Iñigo Azkue
Subtitles and transcriptions: Paula Gómez and Júlia Gaitano Mendizabal
Artist: Maider Aldasoro

Length: 10′ 56”

About the guest

Maider Aldasoro (Mexico, 1992)

She graduated in Fine Arts from the UPV/EHU and earned a Research Master’s in Art and Creation from the Complutense University of Madrid. She mixes costume design, sculpture, the construction of contraptions, video performance and animation. In 2018–2020, she and Ane Rodriguez Zaitegui were part of a collective devoted to art, mediation and other projects for CA2M Madrid, San Telmo Museum in San Sebastián and Luzatu Gau Irekia de Sarean (Bilbao), among others. From 2020–2021, she was the artist in residence at Azkuna Zentroa/Alhóndiga Bilbao, which culminated with an individual exhibition at the centre. She recently enjoyed an artistic residency at BilbaoArte (2021–2022).

About the artwork

The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine, 1588

Sofonisba Anguissola

The work shows the episode of the mystic marriage between Christ and Saint Catherine of Alexandria, as reported by Jacobus de Voragine in his The Golden Legend. Saint Catherine, a princess living in the fourth century who was martyred for her Catholic faith, welcomed the wedding ring from the Christ Child in the presence of the Virgin Mary and an older woman who may be Saint Anne. Despite being a popular theme, the existence of this cultivated, refined princess, represented by the spiked wheel on which she was tortured and the martyr’s palm frond, it is considered fairly dubious.

More info about de artwork >