Present day
Gondra Barandiarán Foundation
Collaboration programme 2022
- Training scholarships
- Digital publication Newsletter 12. Luis Paret in Bilbao
- Summer Course (III)
Bilbao Fine Arts Museum, 29 March 2022.- The Gondra Barandiarán Foundation and the museum share the foundational objectives of promoting and holding activities with a cultural and educational value. With this goal in mind, they have been jointly implementing several training and dissemination programmes since 2014, which became larger in scope when the Foundation joined the museum’s Board in 2017. Since that year, both institutions have cooperated in an intense programme whose focal point is the areas of training, research and the dissemination of scholarship.
One outstanding part of this collaboration is the ninth call for applications for the annual programme of seven Training scholarships targeted at young university graduates who want to further their knowledge at the museum. The digital publication Newsletter 12. Luis Paret in Bilbao is also being unveiled, which compiles the lectures delivered during the workshop of the same name on the fundamental episode in the painter’s stay in Bilbao. Newsletter 12is disseminated in digital format on the museum’s website ( in both Basque and Spanish and can be read and downloaded free of charge. Finally, the third edition of the Summer Course is being held; in 2020 it was cancelled because of the pandemic, and in 2021 it was replaced by the Art Workshop devoted to the painter Luis Paret.
Gondra Barandiarán-Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
Training scholarships
Academic year 2022-2023
The Gondra Barandiarán-Bilbao Fine Arts Museum scholarship programme will be posting the call for applications for academic year 2022–2023 on the websites of both organisations on April 29th. It offers seven scholarships to young people who want to further their training with an in-situ internship guided by museum professionals.
In this way, it makes available to participants the experience of an expert team and the possibility of working in a real museographic setting and in different management areas: Archive and Documentation (2), Library, Education, Registration and Exhibitions, Publications and General Services. Over the course of nine months, the individuals chosen have the opportunity to enhance their CVs, update their knowledge and gain new skills through a direct relationship with the working world and the practical development of their capacities in a museum setting.
An extensive group of more than 60 scholarship recipients have already interned at the museum over the past eight years thank to this programme, which seeks to contribute to the specialised training of professionals and the Gondra Barandiarán Foundation’s educational mission
Digital publication
“Newsletter 12. Luis Paret in Bilbao”
In Collaboration with Museum of Sacred Art Bilbao
The Newsletter is the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum’s scholarly publication whose goals are to further study its collection or important episodes in art history and to contribute to the dissemination of this information, especially among the scholarly community. Furthermore, this publication adds an indicator of prestige to the museum’s activities because of its scholarly nature, the prominence of its contributors and the painstaking editing of its content.
The museum is now unveiling Newsletter 12. Luis Paret in Bilbao, which is the second newsletter exclusively in digital format. It is published in Spanish and Basque in two separate editions and may be accessed and downloaded free of charge on the museum’s website. This new volume contains 10 lectures that were delivered in the museum’s auditorium on 14, 15 and 16 July as part of the Art Workshops organised alongside the exhibition Luis Paret en Bilbao. Sacred and Profane Art held at the museum and the Sacred Art Museum of Bilbao from 9 May to 17 October 2021. During this workshop, experts in a variety of disciplines—applied arts, architecture, sociology, etc.—sketched a broad picture of Paret’s contribution to constructing Enlightenment Bilbao. In this way, this Newsletter further explores the painter’s biography, works and technique, as well as the artistic milieu which he found during his sojourn in Bilbao.
Las aportaciones de María Jesús Cava Mesa, Raquel Cilla López, Javier González de Durana, Amelia Leira Sánchez, Alejandro Martínez, Manuela B. Mena Marqués, José Luis Merino Gorospe, Javier Novo González, Aingeru Zabala Uriarte y Julen Zorrozua Santisteban quedan reunidas en esta publicación que se suma a los estudios de referencia sobre el pintor Luis Paret.
Summer course (III)
The Matter of Art
22-24 June 2022
In collaboration with the Deusto University
After the forced hiatus during the past two years, the Gondra Barandiarán Foundation and the University of Deusto are resuming the summer course led by Miguel Zugaza specialising in disciplines related to museographic practice.
With an international mission and an interdisciplinary vision, this course brings together professionals from the worlds of art, museums, teaching and research to analyse the monographic topic proposed. The previous versions were entitled Museographies: Ways of Seeing Art (2018) and Glocal. Caring for Art Today, Here, Now (2019), and they are being joined this summer by The Matter of Art.
En esta tercera edición y a lo largo de tres intensas jornadas, el curso abordará la condición material de las obras de arte, tanto en sus aspectos creativos como en su conservación, restauración y exhibición. Con este objetivo se analizará la evolución de las técnicas artísticas, las formas de estudio, documentación y restauración del objeto artístico, y finalmente propuestas expositivas recientes basadas en la cualidad material y técnica de las obras.
Para todo ello se ha conformado un extraordinario panel de ponentes que abarca el conocimiento experto de diversas disciplinas: práctica artística, historia del arte, restauración, conservación y museografía.
Manuela Mena
PhD in Art History
Larry Keith
Head of Conservation and Keeper. National Gallery, London
Enrique Quintana
Head of Restoration and Technical Documentation, Museo Nacional del Pradol del Prado
María José Ruiz-Ozaita
Head of the Conservation and Restoration Department, Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
Carlos Venegas García
Professor, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Ana González Mozo
Senior Technician of Museums in the Technical Documentation Office, Museo Nacional del Pradoción Técnica, Museo Nacional del Prado
Xavier Bray
Director of the Wallace Collection, London
Itziar Okariz
José Luis Merino Gorospe
Old Art Conservator, Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
Mercedes Briones y Jon Apodaca
Restorers, Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
George Bisacca
Emeritus Conservator, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
José de la Fuente
Restorer of painting panels, Museo Nacional del Prado
Miquel Barceló
Enrolment and scholarships
Starting May at